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Using App ID in a Vue.js frontend

Add App ID client SDK

npm install ibmcloud-appid-js

To use refresh token, you need to enable refresh token, as you see in the image below.

Use the App ID client SDK in Vue.js

Relevant code in the main.js file.

The code is structured in :

  1. Set variable for authentication
  2. Functions
    • Login (appID.Signin())
    • Renew (appID.silentSignin())
  3. App ID authentication init
  4. Create vue appilcation instance
  5. Renew token in an interval (
import AppID from 'ibmcloud-appid-js';
/* Set variable for authentication
let appid_init;
let user_info;

/* Functions 
async function asyncAppIDInit(appID) {

  var appID_init_Result = await appID.init(initOptions);
  console.log("--> log: appID_init_Result ", appID_init_Result);

  /* Check if the user is already authenticated
  if (!store.state.user.isAuthenticated) {
    try {
      /* Authentication

      let tokens = await appID.signin();
      console.log("--> log: tokens ", tokens);   
      user_info = {
        isAuthenticated: true,
        idToken : tokens.idToken,
        accessToken: tokens.accessToken,
        name : tokens.idTokenPayload.given_name
      store.commit("login", user_info);
      return true;
    } catch (e) {
      console.log("--> log: error ", e);
      return false;

async function asyncAppIDrefresh(appID) {

  if ( store.state.user.isAuthenticated == true) {
    try {
      /* Authentication

      let tokens = await appID.silentSignin();
      console.log("--> log: silentSignin tokens ", tokens);   
      user_info = {
        isAuthenticated: true,
        idToken : tokens.idToken,
        accessToken: tokens.accessToken
        // name : tokens.idTokenPayload.given_name
      store.commit("login", user_info);
      return true;
    } catch (e) {
      console.log("--> log: catch interval error ", e);
      return false;
  } else {
    console.log("--> log: no refresh ");
    return false;

/* App ID authentication init

appid_init = {
    appid_clientId: window.VUE_APPID_CLIENT_ID,
    appid_discoveryEndpoint: window.VUE_APPID_DISCOVERYENDPOINT

console.log("--> log: appid_init", appid_init);
store.commit("setAppID", appid_init);

let initOptions = {
    clientId: store.state.appid_init.appid_clientId , discoveryEndpoint: store.state.appid_init.appid_discoveryEndpoint

/* Create vue appication instance
let appID = new AppID();
let init_messsage = "";
if (!(init_messsage=asyncAppIDInit(appID))) {
    console.log("--> log: init_messsage : " + init_messsage);
} else {
      console.log("--> log: init_messsage : " + init_messsage);
      // Vue application instance
      new Vue({
        render: h => h(App)

/* App ID authentication renew_token with silentSignin
let renew_token;

setInterval(() => {
  console.log("--> log: token interval ");
  console.log("--> log: isAuthenticated ", store.state.user.isAuthenticated);

  if (store.state.user.isAuthenticated == false) {
    console.log("--> log: renew_token : " + renew_token);
  } else {
      console.log("--> log: renew_token : " + renew_token); 
      user_info = {
        isAuthenticated: false,
        idToken : " ",
        accessToken: " ",
        name : " "
      store.commit("login", user_info);    
}, 10000);